Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why Do I Even Care?

Sometimes I think life would be easier if I do not care. Though I don't have many positive things to say about myself, there is one thing I can definitely say is a characteristic of mine, which is that I am loyal. I am a loyal friend. However, I am getting sick of caring and being loyal. People don't seem to realize that when they make bad decisions for themselves, they not only hurt themselves, but they also burden and hurt me. People don't consider these things. I feel so let down when people fall into traps, going against everything they stood for and strongly believed in for themselves. All for what? Instant gratification. They fail to consider the repercussions, and wave off second opinion. Their minds are fixated on the cheap prize, when the grand prize is a few miles ahead. And no matter what I say or do, my words fall onto deaf ears. I might as well be mute. Here I am, stressed about problems that are not my own, while the people in question obviously don't really give a shit.

Sometimes I am so sick of people, of their selfish behavior. Sometimes I am sick of their sheer stupidity. And sometimes I hate myself for even caring. Because those sometimes would be so much easier if I didn't.

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