Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bridget Jones's Diary-Inspired Philosophy

If you do not know already, I am in love with the film Bridget Jones's Diary.
I love it. I love everything about it.
From watching this film I have developed a theory, or even a philosophy perhaps.
In order to win the heart of another (whether platonic or romantic) you must (or should) practice what was exemplified by Colin Firth's character, Mark Darcy--when he looked Bridget straight in the eye (no smile. totally awkward, but with absolute perfection) and said "I like you--very much--just as you are."
I don't mean execute a cheesy line in the most awkward way possible, but learn to like people just the way they are.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pot de Creme and Epiphany

By request of my sister, I return to my blog. I've been off on an awfully long hiatus. What's new? Not much. I have gone through two rough interviews for the only two schools I applied to for graduate school. How did they go, you ask? Mehh...bleh. That is my response.

Today i made pot de creme. SOOOO easy to make. The only downside is that you have to chill it in the fridge for like 4-6 hours for a nice firm texture. I got too impatient so it was still a little liquidy, rather than a nice, firm texture. The taste, on the other hand, was A-mazing! You must try it. Just follow this video. it's entertaining to watch too.

I know it's not Valentine's Day, but it doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to enjoy good desserts.

Soooo I had an epiphany today. Everyone knows I'm picky as it can get when it comes to looking for the right guy. But then again, it's just a list of "ideals" and I'm probably going to end up alone forever (so it's not big deal to fantasize and dream, is it?) Anyway, I realized today i was as hypocritical and hypocrites get. I can't say I want a 6'2" debonair who dresses impeccably with perfect hair if I, on the other hand, am an unkempt, undesirable, fat slob who dresses like a street rat. I cant ask for six pack abs if I have a gut. That's not fair, is it? No. So I guess that means I need to put in effort in myself before I impose these standards on other people. I must impose standards for myself. So hard because I can only work out for 40 minutes TOPS and I hate my wardrobe at the moment and am too broke to go shopping for a new one. Maybe I should go on What Not to Wear so that i can get 5K to get a new wardrobe. HA! Anyway, I must set a goal for myself and I will. I suppose my New Year's Resolutions are off to a late start. But regardless, Colin Firth, HERE I COME! (Jk. he's taken. I mean, Colin Firth of my future, here I come! I recently watched Bridget Jones's Diary, so Colin Firth is a current obsession of mine. I highly recommend it. I'm not one that oggles over chick flicks. However, this flick makes your heart turn to mush and it's entertaining too with British humor.)