Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What EVERYONE Should Know

I think it is far too commonly expressed by the media that sexual intercourse when two strangers or acquaintances are drunk or even when just one person is drunk that it is common, normal, and okay. Even when one of the persons involved feel regret and disgust after intercourse, it's just something she/he has to get over and it's a normal part of life. Because the truth of the matter is when alcohol is involved and an individual (or both individuals) is drunk, then he/she is not in the state to consent. Which means any sexual intercourse that occurs when someone is drunk is actually rape. People don't seem to know that. And they should, because it's not okay!

I fell upon this article. And it's titled "What EVERY GUY Must Know About Date Rape: A Date Rape Fact Sheet for Guys" by Mark Hardcastle. And this article is targeted to male teens. But I feel everybody should read this and become educated in this topic. Date rape is more common than you think. So before you go to a party looking to score, all the while knowing that drinking is involved, you'd better think twice. Here is the link to the article: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/daterape/a/daterapeguysfyi.htm

TL;DR For the lazy here are some things you should know that is highlighted in the article.
  • Not stopping when she is indicating that she wants you to stop, be it with words, actions or both, is rape. If she seems hesitant don’t try to convince her to give in, just stop!
  • Just because a girl has had sex with you in the past does not mean she has consented to having sex with you whenever you want it. Forcing the issue could result in you being charged with rape.
  • Just because a girl is your girlfriend does not mean she owes you sex on demand. Push it when she doesn’t want it and you could be charged with rape.
  • If you get a girl drunk or high and then get together with her you have committed a sexual assault. If you do this and then have sex with her it is rape.
  • If you do not get a girl drunk or high but you know she is when you have sex you have committed rape.
  • If you are unaware that a girl is drunk or high and you have sex with her you could be charged with rape.
  • Even if you too are drunk or high when you have sex with a girl who is drunk or high you could be charged with rape. It is not a sufficient defense to say, “I was wasted too!”
"So another good rule to follow, don’t have sex with anybody you are not 100% certain is able to consent. In other words, don’t have sex with somebody you don’t know very well or have not spent most of your time with immediately before your sexual encounter." -Mark Hardcastle

Another thing you may want to read is "Common Myths About Rape". Article can be found HERE
The myths from the article are as follow:
When a girl says “no,” she really means “yes.” A lot of guys think a girl just says no because she’s supposed to – and that she can’t say that she wants sex even when she does. And that “no” is just the beginning of negotiating for a “yes”. But a guy doesn’t have the right to make up a girl’s mind for her, or to pressure her to agree.
Girls who get drunk at parties or on dates deserve whatever happens to them.
Getting drunk is not a good idea if you want to keep yourself safe, but it does not make it okay for a guy to take advantage of the situation. As a matter of fact, since rape is defined as sex without consent, having sex with someone who is drunk IS RAPE. By law, if a person is intoxicated or drugged, they do not have the ability to give consent.
If a girl wears sexy clothes on a date, it means she wants to have sex.
Girls often dress to look attractive for a date, but that doesn’t mean that they want to have sex with them (or anyone else, for that matter). It is impossible to determine what a girl wants to do – sex or any other activity – based on what clothes she is wearing.
Rape is sometimes the victim’s fault – in some circumstances.
It is NEVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, the victim’s fault. Without consent, freely given, a sexual act is rape, and it is against the law.
If a woman goes somewhere alone with a man that means she wants to have sex with him.
Sometimes it’s nice for a girl to be alone with her date. It’s easier to talk, and find out what the guy’s really like. They might want to see how they get along together without their friends around. This may even mean going in to a bedroom. But that doesn’t mean the girl wants to have sex – it only means that she wants to be alone with him.
If a guy spends a lot of money on a date, the girl “owes” him something in return.
People date because they like each other. They want to spend time together. Dating isn’t like a business deal. And sex is not something you pay for. A guy and a girl may have sex after a date. But it should be something they both want to enjoy with each other. (Sex with any individual under 18 years old is considered “statutory rape”, whether consent is given or not, and is against the law.)
The majority of reported rape incidents are false accusations. What’s to stop a girl changing her mind and saying it’s rape the next day?
It is very difficult for a victim of rape to come forward and report it, so it is extremely unlikely that reports of rape are false. As a matter of fact, FBI statistics say that false reporting of rape is like any other crime, approximately 2-4% of cases.
If a girl is flirting with a guy, that means she wants to “go all the way.”
Everybody likes to flirt. Half the fun of a date is flirting. And the reason you date is to see if you two like each other. But deciding whether you’ll have sex or not requires consent by both people. Consent is defined by the law as an agreement made without pressure, manipulation or intimidation. Otherwise, it’s rape.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Couple More Things I Remembered That I Hate

I personally think this list will never end. Relish the hate. So I present you:

The Things I Hate continued...
  • I hate people who take pictures of themselves sticking out their middle finger. It's like what the hell? Are you 11 years old? Do you really think you are bad ass for taking a juvenile picture of yourself sticking up your middle finger to the camera? Rather than looking like a bad ass, you look like a dumb ass. I mostly see these pictures from idiot high schoolers who think they are so rebellious and so cool. I just want to go up to them and break their nose. It really annoys the crap out of me. It's even worst when college students and older individuals engage in this form of moronic behavior.
  • I hate people who take pictures of themselves holding up a bottle of alcohol and kissing it. Bitch, we know that you're trashy and that you're an alcoholic. You don't have to announce your alcoholism to everybody in the goddamn world. 
  • I hate the song CALL ME MAYBE. God, I can just go on and on about how much this song makes my ears bleed. And this song is just one of the many shitastic songs that exist in our generation today. People have jumped onto this bandwagon where it's cool or something to hate on Nickleback. Nickleback may not be a great band. Whatever! But I am sick and tired of people thinking they are so cool and so musically inclined because they bash on Nickleback while they have no problems singing along to terrible pieces of crap like Call Me Maybe and songs from Katy Perry. I hate those people. I hate that song. I hate people who have to follow the crowd and jump on the bandwagon because they are unable to grow a pair. 
  • Finally, for today, I hate how I look physically deformed when I take pictures. It looks different from the person I see in the mirror! What does the real me look like? Do I really look like the deformed Igor I see in the picture? Or do I look like the semi-average looking person I see in the mirror? My life is a lie!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 Thing I Hate About Everything

Today is my birthday. I hate receiving attention on my birthday. I used to crave it, now I don't like. I just want it to be a normal day. So naturally I want to write a blog post about the things I hate. Enjoy.
  1. I cannot stand people who are emotionally weak. Example Scenario: "Oh, this guy I had a crush on 10 years ago got a girlfriend. I am so sad now. We could have been something." Are you freaking kidding me? Get over it! It's not a big deal. You don't know what the future holds. You had a crush. So what? Did you really think this guy was THE ONE and the one you were going to marry? Yeah? YEAH? More like, YEAH RIGHT! Don't you lie to me. There is a reason the phrase "there are many fish in the sea" exists. And you want to know why? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE, DAMN IT. Don't waste your energy sulking over a boy you never really cared about and someone who never really cared about you in return. 
  2. I hate people who caption pictures they take with their buddy as "Friend's name and I." 100% of people on facebook make this stupid mistake. It's "______and ME/MYSELF" you idiot!
  3. I hate people who feel sorry for themselves. You don't like yourself or the way your life runs? Do something to make it better. Feeling sorry for yourself and putting yourself down will not make anything better, honey. It will only make it worse. You need to take the prerogative to initiate change in your life. Nobody else can do that for you. So stop crying and start doing something about it.
  4. I hate people who generalize. Example Scenario: "Oh my gosh, some guy of a certain race robbed the store. It's on the news. All people of this race are evil and must die." Are you serious? Go die or grow a new brain. So many people are like this. "Oh, I work with this particular race and they are douches. So I can attribute this characteristic to all people of this race. I can say that, because I know a lot of people of this particular race, you know." Go choke on your own spit, imbecile! Just because you know a handful of people of a certain race, doesn't mean you know everyone from that race and how they will act. Every race has their douches. Don't generalize. 
  5. I hate wusses. If you're to scared to stick up for what is right, then screw you. 
  6. I hate people who get really preachy when it comes to speaking their views. POLITICS, especially. I agree with you! Stop preaching to me! WTF is wrong with you!
  7. I hate stupid people.
  8. I hate people who laugh at things that aren't funny. It really annoys the living crap out of me. And so I don't appear like a douche, I chuckle along, when I don't even think it's funny at all!
  9. I hate almost every song that plays on the radio. 
  10. I usually hate people the first time I meet them. But the more I get to know them, I like them. I'm not all bad. C'mon.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why Do I Even Care?

Sometimes I think life would be easier if I do not care. Though I don't have many positive things to say about myself, there is one thing I can definitely say is a characteristic of mine, which is that I am loyal. I am a loyal friend. However, I am getting sick of caring and being loyal. People don't seem to realize that when they make bad decisions for themselves, they not only hurt themselves, but they also burden and hurt me. People don't consider these things. I feel so let down when people fall into traps, going against everything they stood for and strongly believed in for themselves. All for what? Instant gratification. They fail to consider the repercussions, and wave off second opinion. Their minds are fixated on the cheap prize, when the grand prize is a few miles ahead. And no matter what I say or do, my words fall onto deaf ears. I might as well be mute. Here I am, stressed about problems that are not my own, while the people in question obviously don't really give a shit.

Sometimes I am so sick of people, of their selfish behavior. Sometimes I am sick of their sheer stupidity. And sometimes I hate myself for even caring. Because those sometimes would be so much easier if I didn't.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I haven't felt this way in a long time

But I am angry at life.
I feel so stressed, and I cannot comprehend why. Why now?

Friday, May 4, 2012


My cat is so freaking cute! (excuse my awkward feet. I tried to get them out of the picture frame, and failed. Now I have a cute picture ruined by awkward feet).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sometimes I have those days where I think everyone hates me and thinks I'm annoying. Everything I say sounds so annoying to me. This was one of those weeks. I feel like every joke I made this week was irritating and offensive. I don't know why I am so self-deprecating this week. But I really don't like myself. Things that I said in jest was met by the stank eye that seemed to say, "What the heck? Why? Are you stupid? My God!" Then I think to myself, shoot, I shouldn't have said that and feel dumb for having said it. Don't you hate that feeling when you feel like you should just keep your mouth shut in case you make a fool out of yourself? Yup. That's me this week. I need a drink.


How I feel doing stupid useless assignment, reading stupid useless articles and books, and listening to stupid, useless discussions in school:

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Sometimes you just have to ask yourself this question: Am I annoying?
And you just have to muster up courage to face the truth.

Because the answer mostly likely is:
 shake head yes Pictures, Images and Photos
yes, bitch, yes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bow Tie Cat

I put my cat in a bow tie today. He looked classy and adorable. He wanted to go outside, but I wouldn't let him because I wanted him to pose for me in his bow tie. After a couple shots, I let him enjoy his freedom. For some reason blogger is being stupid and wont let the picture entirely fit on the page. Click on the picture to see the full picture. =)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Torture of Waking Up

This is exactly how I feel when I have to wake up to go to school. I'm never fully awake.

funny gifs
It's a brutal life, I tell you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days--a crappy day. It started off with my commute to school. Traffic was worse than usual. I felt cursed. The lane I was in was at a stand still. Noticing that the lane right next to me had cars that had been zooming past me for the past couple minutes, I decided to change lanes. And by some kind of sick twisted sorcery, as soon as I decide to change lanes, voila, the fast moving lane suddenly turns into a stand still. And the lane I just emerged from suddenly starts to speed up.  Don't you hate it when that happens? I surely freaking do.

I finally arrive at school. It is 8am. I feel like utter crap. I hate mornings. I hate waking up for my 8am class. I go to class. My professor is passing back quizzes, beaming about how the class average was very high: 18.5 Median: 19. Mode 19. Guess what I got? 17. I'm an idiot. That put me in the sucky mood. I then get back my grade for a presentation I did, which I thought wasn't too shabby. 45.5/50 I mean it's still an A. But damn, not the type of A I wanted. Her comments were irritating. If you know one thing about me, it's that I hate public speaking. I stutter. My heart starts racing. I cannot think on my own. Therefore my solution is to stare at the screen and read off of my presentation. I also have a hard time making eye contact. It's hard for me to do presentations. And that's exactly what she commented on and took off points. I hate that presentations are biased on those with performance and social anxiety. What a load of crap.

Oh, and remember that professor back in late January who gave me a B- for no reason? I've been emailing her since the first week of February. She's told me twice that she would give me a reason as to why I got the grade that I did "next week." Of course, that never happened. So I'd send her emails every week I do not hear from her about getting my grade. A classmate of mine was in a similar situation. The professor came up to her today and told her she had not forgotten about her, but that it was too late to change her grade...WTF! WTF! WTF! The vile witch couldn't take 2 shitty minutes of her life to tell her why she got the grade she did (probably because she just assigned random grades to students and has no idea why we got the grades we did) and waited until it was too late for us to do anything about. That is BULL! I am going to take this too the dean. A girl warned me that this professor is tight with the dean. So I have to watch how I address the situation. I am angry. She will change my grade. I refuse to have a B- in a class that was useless, a waste of my time, that I did everything right for, which cost me $600+ dollars to take. NO. She will change my damn grade. I will not rest. I'm angry now, but I will put on a sweet face as I go to the dean. I won't cause drama and I'll be understanding. But I will fight for my grade. I don't pay no $600 for a B-.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Watch This Awesomeness.

I present you a video full of awesome talent.
These boys melt my little heart.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Herb Ritts

I went to the Getty Center last week and luckily able to see the Herb Ritts exhibition. It was fantastic! Rather than try to express how I felt about various photographs, I will post pictures of my favorite photographs in the exhibition. You know what they say: pictures say a thousand words. 
Herb Ritts sure knew how to choose people with perfect bodies to photograph. 

I don't claim any of these pictures as my own, by the way.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Does It Make Me A B*TCH When...

Does it makes me a bitch when I stumble upon a creeperish, socially awkward guy's facebook page, discover he has girlfriend, and think...HOW THE (BLEEP) did this (BLEEPING) dude get a girlfriend, while I can't seem to find somebody decent for myself?????

THEN I have a realization that makes me want to cry, laugh, and die.
Am I still single because I'm worse than that creeperish, socially awkward guy? Dear God, kill me now.

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Favorite Time-Wasting Blog

Here is my favorite time-wasting blog.
You won't regret visiting it.
On a side note, I made gumbo and white chocolate chip cookies today. I'm not one to brag because my cooking is usually subpar and mediocre, but it was BOOOOMMBBBBB!!!

Anyway, here's the link to the BLOG!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I watched this video today, and my hurt is in pain. Remember years ago, when people tried to bring awareness to Darfur? Whatever happened to that "trend"? The Sudanese government is still bent on obliterating its own people and hell bent on committing genocide. Where is social justice? Where is the UN? I am so disgusted by the atrocities people can commit against other human beings.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful.

Samantha Brick has been stirring things up with her article about how women hate beautiful women. Basically, Samantha Brick thinks she is ultra attractive and talked about how her friends dropped her like flies and mistreated her because they felt threatened by her beauty. Ridiculous, right? She talks about how men notice her all the freaking time and how it's nothing out of the ordinary. She talks down on those who mistreated her and her observation of the discourse between them was...hm... They hate me because I am taller, more beautiful, and thinner than they are. Makes me scoff. She even quotes a therapist, which does not relate to her much at all. The therapist talks about how she has a lot of clients who are models, and how their lives are so difficult. That I can believe. First of all, models are constantly be judged by their looks as their job, Brick is not. Models are looked upon as clothes hangers with not feelings as part of their job, Brick is not. Brick is no model. How narcissistic do you have to be to think you are equivalent to a model? And get this: She's average at best. She's not ugly. But she is not smoking hot. She has an inflated ego and maybe that is why her friends dislike her.

And the kicker: people have been outraged by her article (I wonder why). And her response is that these reactions only prove that people hate her because she is beautiful. What a joke.

Of course, I'm not going to leave you hanging without the original article. Here you are! Enjoy

Why I Hate Drake

(Disclaimer: if you like Drake and think you can't handle me hating on Drake, stop reading now. Keep in mind, these are just rants and opinions from somebody who is equivalent to a nobody so....)

Oh little Drake. I hate him. I cannot stand him or his "music."
My main reason for why I dislike him immensely is that he tries so dang hard to be hard when he is far from it. Was he from the hood? Nope, he actually grew up rich and got even richer now because idiots like his music.

He used to be part of this show called "Degrassi"

This is him now.
Wow he's so gangster! Don't make me laugh. He's far from it.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Annoying Kids

Stupid kids are annoying.
I hate them.
Stupid parents who defend their idiot kids
I hate them.

These gave me some satisfaction. So fun.
(Click to Enlarge)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I watched a movie called "Silence" with my brother yesterday that was just super intense. Above is a trailer. It is a Korean movie about corruption and abuse that occurred in a school for deaf children in a small country town. The people who abused these children were well-respected people, who served the church and took the responsibility to take care of these kids. This movie was so disturbing and really rocked me to the core. I was so angry. I think corruption is one of the worst things. Corruption allows people to hurt others without a shred of remorse, and for what? Their own fulfillment and satisfaction. It is truly disgusting.  I recommend you give it a watch. And if you're thinking, well, I don't know Korean. All is well. English subtitles are available. Search for the movie here.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Girls are Crazy

Girls are crazy, sometimes. SO...i was browsing through youtube the other day, as I do when I'm bored, and fell upon this glee clip. Glee is just terrible. Can't stand it, but I do watch some clips of it through youtube. I guess this means it is somewhat tolerable. After watching the video I saw this:
That is just overboard and way too crazy for me to even contain myself. What is wrong with this girl. And knowing there are 1,695 other individuals that "liked" this and found this caption amusing... my mind is boggled by their stupidity. I bet a majority of those likers were of the female gender. I am ashamed. First of all, Darren Criss is average at best. His only saving grace is his voice. Second of all, who cares about Darren Criss? She should be devastated that she can't have Matthew Bomer. #1.) He's gorgeous. #2.) He's gay. That makes it set in stone that he's totally unattainable. Third, if she's crying about stupid stuff like this...she needs therapy and stat. Crazy, much? Here's the clip:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pet Peeves

I know I already posted up a post for today, but screw it. It was too gloomy, glum, and emotional (even though I was not remotely close to being emotional when i posted it). I've realized I have a lot of pet peeves. Most of them as I encounter adolescent behavior (sadly, from those who are well into their adulthood) on the internet. So I decided to start a new thing of posting my little pet peeves or rants on my blog. We'll see how long this lasts and how long it takes me to annoy myself to stop.

Here it goes.

I HATE it when people post self-deprecating, sad, emotional, awww-poor-me-boohoo-to-me facebook statuses on facebook (I know, that was redundant). Example (I made this up, so I am not violating anybody's privacy): "My family is the worst family ever. They don't understand me. I cant wait until I escape from this prison forever." First of all, when you post pathetic material like this, you sound like a pre-pubescent teen craved for attention. You also look stupid. Third, you sound like an annoying little prick. Stop your whining and your bellyaching on the internet and actively do something to solve your problem. I may be heartless, but I'm also a realist (sometimes...most of the time). Guten nacht Scheißkerl.


I'm guarded. Perhaps this is a good thing. I'd like to think that it is, but I realize it may also be hurtful to me as well. I am aware that I do not trust people. I'll trust them up to a certain point, but I never expect them to be there for me. I do not expect people to go out of their way to do anything for me. When people do, I become incredibly overwhelmed by the gesture, because it goes so against what I expect from people (or should I say, what I DO NOT expect from people). I guess my guardedness is a way of protecting myself, or even protecting myself from the possibility of being disappointed. However, I think my guardedness can also prevent me from forming any sort of meaningful and strong friendships in my life. And those sort of things take risks. It's definitely a fleeting inner conflict that just happened to cross my mind today. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. We'll see.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nature's Monthly Gift to Women

I am going to start my period soon. I want to eat everything in sight, especially sugar. My nonexistent boobs are a little larger. Offended people with my vulgar humor (oh wait, that's nothing out of the ordinary). And my annoyance tolerance level is incredibly low. I want to punch every perpetrator. Yup, it definitely is about that time of the month. Stay the hell away from me.

Craving Jambalaya

Today was dumb, because I sucked at my session today. I have a reoccuring pattern. I do okay one day, then I suck the week after. One step forward, then half a step back. And it's the weeks that I suck, in which I have to present my tapes to the group. I suppose this is a good thing, because I do learn from it. And I try harder the next week. It sucks because I am my worst critic. I already know that I sucked, and to hear feedback about how I sucked will only reverberate the suckiness I embodied during my session. I will try to keep a positive mindset, knowing that that the feedback I receive will benefit me. I hate SUCKING! Anyway, after having some unfulfilling gumbo at Disneyland, I feel I need to satisfy my jambalaya craving or gumbo craving. Whatever. I think I'll make jambalaya for my pops on his 55th birthday! Maybe I'll use this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-cajun-jambalaya/detail.aspx

or perhaps this one:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kony 2012 and It's Myopic View

Viral Video

A view from Ugandan (relevant): Joseph Kony is just one person to a huge problem. Kony 2012 brings light to child soldiers and inhumanity. And that's great. People seem to be forgetting that the problem is bigger than just one man.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Relax Plan

I'm jaded from school, so today I took the time to relax. I did absolutely no school work (not that I do a lot of school work any other day). I realized it had been a while since I had watched a movie in my bed. So I watched Contagion, and I thought it was pretty dang good. It also had an interesting soundtrack. Watch it. Although, this movie can potentially make you into a germaphobe. I'm not too easily swayed. Call me a non-comformist, if you will.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am feeling so lazy. It's so hard for me to feel motivated when a majority of my classes are crocks of shit. Today, Theology 2 felt like it was 10 hours long. I listened to music, watched videos, and all that jazz (stealthily, of course) and it still felt like a lifetime. That class sucked the life out of me. I hate it. That is all for my lamentations.

In the meantime enjoy pictures of my cat that I just took on my computer. The lighting is terrible. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Humility is Key

I must admit, this semester isn't the best. I'm taking 7 classes. A majority of my classes (a tad more than the majority, to be brutally honest)suck balls. Most of them are a waste of my time. I did not pay good money to listen to philosophical vomit. But out of the 7 classes, there is one class I appreciate. In this class we learn to be with clients. Currently I am meeting with a client, who is a volunteer from an undergraduate Intro to Psychology course (they agree to go through therapy in order to get credit for class). I like my client a lot. If I wasn't her therapist, I would definitely be her friend. My first session with her was okay. At the time, I thought I did pretty well. My second session, was not so fantastic. I was humbled. I realized how little i knew, and I really felt inadequate. I actually started to become self-deprecating, which is something stupid that I tend to do. I started calling myself "trash" and legitimately worried that I would fail this course. Seriously, after just two sessions...I know, i was being a drama queen. But I wholeheartedly believed I was trash. I was not fishing for compliments or words of encouragement. My group, bless their souls, is made up wonderful people. They tried to affirm me, which I appreciated, but I didn't believe any of their encouraging words. I knew I sucked, and that was that. (Again, I have an annoying tendency of being ridiculously stubborn over stupid things). Every other week, I get feedback based on a video clip of my therapy session. After I got my feedback, I wasn't very happy. I was advised to say things I usually do not say. It made me uncomfortable, and I did not like that. What if my client thinks that I'm completely off base? What if my planned responses backfire? It worried me, but I knew I had to take risks and get over myself if I truly wanted to grow.

 I went into my third session a little worried, but I wasn't as nervous as I had been before my previous session. My third session, in my opinion, went better than the second. The instances that resonated in my head, however, were times where I was babbling, making no coherent sense whatsoever. By the end of the session, I thought things were picking up. To my surprise, my client said that this particular session was really good. I felt so encouraged. After our clients leave, we receive feedback. So I wanted in my chair, ready to hear a barrage of things I did wrong. I mentioned a few things I thought I did well, which were not many. Then I listed a bunch of things I thought I could have fixed. TO my surprise, again, my TA was very encouraging. Taking risks and staying calm worked. I am so excited to get better. Being rocked by my suckiness really made me look into myself and strive to become better. Don't get me wrong, I'm still worried that I will crash and burn when my next session comes around. However, I still greatly appreciate that sucking is part of the learning process. I'm excited to know what the future holds for me. I know I will get bloodied along the way, but it will be completely worth it if it makes me close to perfect. (how snobby did i sound at the very end? Very? Good, that was my intention.)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So Bored

I don't know what it is about me, but a reoccurring theme in my life has been regarding how bored I am all the freaking time. Maybe it's a sign that I need to make more friends and that I need to go out more, rather than spending an insane amount of time in front of my computer on a daily basis. It's pretty pathetic really if you consider how much time I spend on the computer. It's no wonder that I think I'm going blind. Anyway, I have decided i need more excitement in my life. I need a dash of pizazz. I should just sleep around, do some drugs, or engage in scandalous behavior to make my life a little more exciting. I joke, slightly. But on a more serious note...I'm bored of being bored! HELP!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cellos Give Me Eargasms

I have recently been getting really into cellos. I have always enjoyed the timbre of the cellos, but I didn't know how into it I was. I think the cello is really sensual. Man, it gives me eargasms and it turns me on. I kid you not. Yeah, I know...But I suppose eggs, cheese, cellos, and chocolate are the keys to my heart. Here are some videos I have discovered which are just fantastic. Enjoy.

So Sexy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Psychologists Are So Full of It

I didn't understand why people thought psychologists were so full of shit sometimes. Psychologists are here to help people. That is almost always true. However, I realized today that sometimes the way psychologists go about doing their business can make them so annoying and full of shit. First of all, they have to tendency to look too much into things. Damn straight. Today in class, students shared stories about their volunteer clients. The professor, even though he had never sit-in in the session and was hearing subjective views of what had occurred during session, spewed out all of his interpretations and associations. Sometimes even after one sentence into the story, he would declare that the client as anxious. I mean, are you freaking kidding me? You don't even know what the client is like and based on one little thing, you think you know the underlying problem of the client? Don't get me wrong, but he was on point on some of the things, only because it was blatantly obvious from the presented content. But I call bullshit. I am not trying to be a know-it-all student. I want to learn, but if you're going to be shoveling nonsensical bullshit that boosts the professor's image as a know-all, then I'm not going to be a drone and swallow all of it up. I mean, sure, he may be good. But nobody is mind reader good. Maybe if he watched one session, I'd take his claims seriously. So dumb.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day....??? I lost track

I lost track of the days. I will just accept the fact that I failed at this project.

Meanwhile, enjoy a picture.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48: She responded

The prof responded. She said that the email sent through my school email as the first one received. Quite strange...considering I used my gmail email to email several professors and received prompt replies. Anyway, for the time being, i will take her word for it and assume my hotmail and gmail emails ended up in her spam somehow. So, I will hear about my grade next week. She better have some good reason as to why i got a B-, a VERY good reason.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 40-47: Failing and Waiting

So I realize I'm really sucking at this 1 post a day for 365 days...er 366 days. All I have been accomplishing everyday is being really lazy and complaining loudly and openly about how much i hate certain classes at school. I know, how annoying of me. My narcissistic self believes everyone should hear my lamentations. Anyway, I sent my professor 4 emails regarding my grade and I'm still waiting. I didn't use my school email for the first 3, so tonight I decided to use my dreaded school email. This is the last straw. If she doesn't respond to me after I use my school email, I'll know that she has something against me (possibly because of my yellow). We shall see where this takes me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 39: Waiting

It's been 6 days since i emailed my professor about my B-. I like the teacher, but her lack of response is really ticking me off. I emailed her a second email yesterday. I can only remain patient for so long.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 36, 37, and 38

I fail. I missed 2 days. In my defense, I was food coma'd from the food i consumed whilst watching the super bowl. But the real reason is, I was extra lazy. I actually watched the super bowl game today. It was pretty fun. But on a more important note, I though Tom Brady was a hunk...with his helmet on. In all the other pictures I saw of him, I thought he was whatever. But seeing him on screen, not bad at all. But that wasn't the reason why i enjoyed the game. It was an interesting game and watching the commercials was a sport too. It was really close at the end, and that's when thangs GOT INTENSE!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35: Eggs

I think eggs are one of the sexiest food items out there. It is so versatile and it is freaking delicious! The other day I made scrambled eggs and they were just out of this world. I'm not trying to say that I do scrambled eggs right. I'm sure I don't do them perfectly perfect, but I can say with full assurance that people are not doing it right. They overcook it to the max. Scrambled eggs are supposed to be fluffy and CREAMY! Yes, creamy! And it is wonderful this way. You just have to keep stirring, take the pan on and off the heat, and make sure the eggs are fully cooked, but not dry or overcooked.

Take this video for example, although I do cook it a LITTLE bit more than he does to make sure my eggs aren't raw anywhere. There's nothing worse than an undercooked, slimy egg. Makes me want to gag.
Eggs are so sexy.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34: It's a Hard Knock Life

Someone who exhibits strength is not somebody who is able to sail through life.
A strong person is able to crawl in the mud, endure injuries that come with the obstacles of life, dig out of a gaping hole, climb over a 30 foot wall, and run an entire marathon--and doing this all with a broken leg. Life is not easy. A strong person pushes forward.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33: B-

I got a B- in a class. I don't know how that happened. I emailed the prof about it. I am seeing all red and thinking murderous thoughts. will update what happens.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32: Tree

I drew this while I was in class. My professor was talking about his life. It was very entertaining. I would have probably fell asleep had I not been drawing.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31: More mrdoob art.

I think i've figured out what i may be doing for a while on this blog. I'm going to upload my little doodles that I do in class. I'm such a fabulous student. It is so much fun. Give it a try!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30: You Can Make Art

So I fell upon this program online that can make anything you draw look artsy fartsy. It is fantastic! I love it! Here is the link: http://mrdoob.com/projects/harmony/#sketchy

And here are some artworks I did using this program. SO COOL!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29: "Tonight We Are Young...

So let's set the world on FIRE. We can burn brighter than the sun"

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28: Perspective

Sometimes the world is so cruel. People are sickening.
There are people who have it much worse than we do. Be thankful that you dont have a life as miserable as theirs, that we were fortunate not to have been born into such a devastating situation.
Something to think about:

Day 27: Rambunctious

Today was a crazy night out. And I was the biggest beezy known to man. Wow, I didn't know I could be so cruel. It was ridiculous.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26: Song

I love this song. Hate the music video.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25: So Lazy

I am so lazy.
I don't want to go to school.
I sound like a child.
I don't to wake up in the morning.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 24: Why Men and Women Can't Just be Friends

Girls are dumb sometimes. But I always knew this to be true, so I'm glad to know I'm not part of the stupid.

Day 23: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives

I've been watching clips all day. I'm drooling. Good God, I'm craving some bomb food like no other right now, right before i head to bed.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22: Transformers

I think I'm going to turn my ugly, over-sized shirts into infinity scarves. yay!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21: Goldmine

We are relational beings. We are not built to be alone. This rings true for me. I want to find somebody who can share my pains with me and I would do the same for the other person. Because a friendship based on good times and smiles can only stretch so far. But a person who sticks with you in the midst of trials and builds you up when you're falling down is an invaluable gold mine.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20: Food Klepto

Today I denied a meal of In n out and went to class. 1 hour in and i was starving. Desperate for nourishment, I opened the freezer. There were a few frozen meals and a box of skinny cow fudge bars. I had seen the bars in the freezer for a while now and never took any because I was afraid they belonged to somebody. Week after week I'd see the bars sitting in the freezer calling out to me, and each time I'd turn my head the other way. This time the bars called out to me and I answered like a man under the spell of a siren's song. I ate that sucker. And I didn't regret it. Hope this doesn't make me a selfish bitch.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19: Stronger Than Yesterday

I've been having a particular stressor (which I will not elaborate over the web. Sorry, I'm not ready to share intimate details of my life to make things juicy and to gain more followers). Yesterday, I was a mess. I went into shock and I felt hopeless. I felt so overwhelmed that I could not function nor could I seize worrying about it. Tears flowed involuntarily. I felt so weak. But then I remembered that I was slightly sleep deprived and sleep deprivation makes me very susceptible to my emotions. I got 8 hours of sleep this time (part of it was interrupted by my cat waking me up at 3:30AM by kissing me) and I felt stronger. The stressor still exists and it fills me with worry, but today I feel like I can handle it. I feel like it wont rule me. I feel like I can overcome it. I have hope. Sometimes I feel like my sense of hope becomes shaky and seems to dissipate. Nevertheless, hope still exists. I grasp onto that hope, because that's the only thing that is keeping me going.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18: Hard Day

Today was a hard day for me, but it has gotten better.
Now, where's that dang cat of mine? I want to snuggle with him.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17: Stress

Stress can be so debilitating. The object of the stressor seems to constantly plague my mind. I can't shake it off or bring myself to peace. As soon as I experience temporarily relief from it, something triggers reality that the stressor is still there. I have been noticing changes in the way I've been interacting with others and the way I have been feeling. I feel down and more prone to negativity. Then I have to tell myself to snap out of it, and to stop feeling for myself. Usually that does the trick. I refuse to victimize myself and to throw pity parties for myself, which only makes the cycle of negativity persistent and stronger. Though I can fight through my own negativity, the stress is still there. And today it is bearing down on me like a ton of bricks. Here's to a better tomorrow.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16: Home Sweet/Bitter Home

I am not the perfect daughter. I do not come close to being perfect when it comes to being a daughter. I snap when I shouldn't and I say things that are not particularly nice nor appropriate in the things I say to my mom. I love my mom, but she is difficult person to live with. She is ridiculously stubborn and anything that does not comply with her is wrong. She does not really consider other people's feelings, while her own feelings come primarily in her life and the way she views different situations. I could spend hours, days, or even months logically and emphatically explaining a situation in which she has done something wrong, and it would never get through to her as long as she firmly believes she is right. I wish I could have more patience when it comes to dealing with my mom, but she knows how to push all the right buttons and push me over the edge.

Today was one of those days. I said really horrible things to my mom in my anger. Albeit, she was wrong, but I wasn't right either. Therefore, I was being no better than she was. I grit my teeth after my venomous rant, and I apologized. Of course, she snapped at me and didn't accept my apology right away because she was angered by all that I had said. I didn't handle it very well and snapped back. But, I took one step forward this day. And that was I apologized. It was hard to say that I was sorry when I knew fully well that she was wrong, but I was sorry for the way I had spoken to her and yelled at her. I built up the courage to say I was sorry.

My dad is another character. He has a short fuse. When he comes home from work, the stress that has built up throughout the course of the day makes that fuse even shorter (or maybe even close to non-existent). He sometimes is not in the shape to take any crap from my mom. Today was one of those days. Let's just say that today was not a good day. My dad snapped, and when my dad snaps you don't know what's going to happen. It is upsetting when my parents fight. It's upsetting to me, especially when I am home by myself when my parents fight. My dad overreacts and my mom doesn't know how to back down. They fuel each others' fire and make matters worse.

We are a family of short fuses. When those fuses go off, things are not pretty. Home sweet home is no longer such. It's hard sometimes. Right now, it is hard. But tomorrow, it will be a better day.

Day 15: Goal

I will make it a goal not to eat out for two weeks.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14: So Full

I ate so much.
I am so full.
I still crave more.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13: Plan B

Today we role played again in class. We had to pair up with a partner and took turns playing a therapist and a patient. This time the scenario was that we would experience a suicidal client during our intake. As a therapist, I did horribly. I got stuck and asked horribly, stupid questions that probably would have made the client go...WTF...in real life. Thank God this was a fake situation, because if it was the real thing, my client would probably already be dead on the floor during my intake. That's how horrible I am.

On the other hand, as an actor playing the client, (I don't mean to brag) I was amazing. I played a depressed girl who caught her boyfriend of 5 years cheating on her. Man, I almost had tears falling down my face as I described how I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. So I have decided that if I utterly fail as a psychologist, I have a back-up plan: to become an actress.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12: Watching a Movie on a School Night

I'm currently watching a movie called "What's Your Number?" with Anne Farris (sp?) and Chris Evans. It is about some chick who learns that women who sleep with over 20 men have a harder time getting married (or something like that). Anne Farris's character has slept with 20, she tries to look for her exes to see if things would work out with them. Chris Evans plays her neighbor who likes hide out in Anne's room every morning after he has his one night stands. Chris helps Anne find her exes in exchange for hiding out in her apartment (SO STUPID, i know). Long story short, they fall for each other. This is one of the stupidest movies i have ever seen in my entire life. I have never liked Anne Farris. The way she talks makes me watch to punch her in her effing throat.

So, why did I watch the entire movie that was a disaster from the start?
CHRIS EVANS is just too good looking. I could not stop for his sake.
But, by God, I am never watching this piece of crap ever again.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11: Role Playing

I'm not talking about sexual favors, when I talk about role playing. Today in class, we took turns role playing for us to get a feel for what it would be like when we meet clients for the first time. I confirmed my fear that I will be a horrendous clinician, because I did a pretty horrible job. Several times, I had to interrupt the role play to ask my own question. And my "uuhhh"s were quite bountiful. If this is anything like the real thing, I am screwed. Why can't I be more cool and charismatic?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10: Backpack

Bought a backpack online for $50. Hope it was worth it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9: First Day of School

My alarm rang at 7:00AM. So I promptly got out of bed 7:30AM. I woke up with a splitting headache and from a dream where I was yelling at a kid for bullying. I knew today was going to be one splendid day. Mark the sarcasm, if you will. I checked sigalert to see how bad traffic was. Damn, there's an accident. It's going to be pretty bad. I don't have time to fix my hair. I don't eat breakfast, but my mom packs me lunch (bless her soul) and I embark on my journey. Every bad song was playing on the radio. It was horrible. And guess what? There was NO traffic. I realized halfway that I looked at traffic for 91w rather than 91E, which was the route I was taking to go to school. Needless to say, I arrived at school 25 minutes early. I decided to fix my hair in the car, taking up an extra 10 minutes or so. By the way, the hair fixing did not do me any good. I looked like crap. I went to class. I tried to be happy as my classmates came through the door, but I'm pretty sure my lack of enthusiasm was completely obvious. Sorry, guys. For the first 1.5 hours, I felt like bricks were tied to my eyelids. I swear to you, I was seeing double. I felt like I was in a cage. My head was not clear. I was tired, grumpy, and hungry. All because I woke up at at seven freaking thirty. Considering that I woke up past 10am everyday during winter break, this is quite an adjustment. I like my sleep. I ate during our 15 minute break, and it was as if someone jolted me awake. Then I was able to be more attentive during class. I love my food too. I gained 5 pounds during a 1 week span. I'm pretty sure it's almost that time of the month, and I give into my cravings every single time. Oh well.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8: Sweet Potato

I love sweet potato.
Sweet potato FRIES (and if you know me, I'm not a big fan of just potato fries)
Baked sweet potato
Sweet potato bread
Sweet potato pie
Sweet potato anything.
Love em.
I have several baking in the even right now.
School starts tomorrow. Might has well have a damn sweet potato to make my night, before school starts, at least somewhat eventful.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7: Socially Awkward Penguin

Have you heard of the "Socially Awkward Penguin" meme? For those of you who don't know, a meme is like a phrase, idea, picture, video, or gif that just spread all over the internet. It's funny at first, and then once it's overused all over the internet, it turns annoying and stupid. You hear people spew phrases like "first world problems." That's a meme. I hate people who use memes in their daily vernacular. It annoys the living crap out of me. Overused memes make what USED to be a clever and original thought into a useless blabber by people who think they are being clever by using these internet bits that are just plain stupid at the end of the day. (That may have been a run-on sentence, but it's not as bad as using memes in one's everyday language). If I happened to insult you because you use memes when you speak to others in real life, I am sorry. But that doesn't detract from the fact that it is annoying as hell. Sorry that you are annoying as hell and that I find your annoying behavior annoying as hell.

Anyway, back to the subject of the Socially Awkward Penguin meme. I was looking at this link, which I will post below, and I could relate to about 90% of the memes. I think that is a pretty good sign that I am pretty socially awkward. Enjoy.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6: Happy First Friday of 2012

Starting Monday I will go back to school. Winter break felt much too short. My heart is crying and grieving inside. I will learn how to interact with clients and have just a taste of what my life in clinical psychology will look like. I am scared, partly because I will have to endure and excel in situations where I am socially uncomfortable. It is a bit daunting to me, since I consider myself to be a bit socially inept. However, despite all my fears of failure, I know that I have to fail and falter in order to grow and become better. It's a painful, but enhancing process. I do not look forward to it, but it needs to be done. See you on the other (and hopefully better) side.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5: Apple Pie

I wanted to make apple pie. So tonight I did. Yahoo! had an apple pie recipe from a blue ribbon winner and that's the recipe I used with my own little tweaks (because I didn't have some items on hand). Because of this, I thought that this should be pretty damn good since it's a blue ribbon pie winner. (Why would a blue ribbon pie winner expose her secret recipe? I'm a little suspicious). Anyway this is what I did:

1 cup butter (original recipe called for shortening)
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup cold water (I used a little bit more because the dough was too dry with just 1/4 cup)

Apples (my mom bought fuji apples. They turned out fine. You can use empire or cortland or granny if you want. Don't really matter)

Sugar Topping
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbsp Flour (I would suggest using more flour to thicken it up a little more)

1.) Cut up butter into small chunks. Make sure the butter is COLD.
2.) Mix flour and salt.
3.) Cut up butter into flour until pea-sized.
4.) Add cold water. Mix it until dough comes together. Try not to touch it too much or your dough will start to get soggy and sticky. You don't want something that is hard to work with.
5.) Separate into two equal balls.
6.) Wrap and put into fridge.
7.) Slice apples THINLY. Tastes better in my opinion.
8.) Mix sugar, cinnamon, flour. Set aside.
9.) Roll out dough. Be quick. Flour surface, the dough, and rolling pin. It won't stick.
10.) First crust put into pie pan. Sprinkle with several table spoons of the cinnamon sugar mixture.
11.) Layer apples. Then sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture. Repeat until you use all your apples, and most of your cinnamon sugar. Don't use all of your cinnamon sugar.
12.) 2nd crust on top of apples. Trim away excess sides (you can use those to decorate the top if you want. I cut out little leaves and rectangles)
13.) Cut several slits in the middle for the filling to aerate.
14.) Decorate the pie edge if you wish. Pressing the ends of a fork into the edges is easiest for decorative purposes.
15.) Brush crust with egg wash.
16.) Bake at 425 for 20 minutes. Reduce to 350 and bake for 30-40 minutes until down and golden brown. COOL for a few minutes, then enjoy.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4: Being an Introvert

I fell upon this blog entry by this dude named Carl King (thank you, facebook newsfeed). He discusses 10 myths about introverts he read about in a book or something of that matter. I thought they were interesting, especially because I am pretty introverted myself. He even made his own comments to the myths. So I will make my own comments (in italics) in response to his comments and see how true they are.

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.

This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.

WOW so true! I abhor small talk. Makes me want to die.

Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.

Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.

Sometimes I am afraid of people. But again, this dude is spot on. I bounce off of people's energy. So if someone I don't know well starts conversation with me and keeps things interesting, I tend to reciprocate without feeling awkward and wanting to kill myself.

Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.

Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.

I never heard of such a stupid myth before.

Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.

On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.

I'm pretty damn loyal and I have very little friends (because I have no life). I don't expect people to think that they are special for being my friend. This is a load of crap.

Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.

Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.

I like public places, but I do not like social gatherings where I have to meet people for the first time (death by small talk). That's all.

Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.

Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.

God, this makes introverts sound like losers. Damn you, Carl. So dumb.

Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.

Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy. I

ntroverts ARE weird. Everyone has a little weird in them. Who cares? Why do you have to be such a little girl, Carl?

Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.

Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them. I

WISH I was an aloof nerd. I'm just aloof sometimes. Awkwardly aloof. That's not as cool as being an aloof nerd.

Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.

Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.

Eff you, Carl. I love adrenaline rushes. I love dopamine; therefore, I love chocolate. Damn it, Carl, you really tried to make yourself sound all smart with this biology crap. Guess what? It didn't work.

Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.

A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.

It can be terribly destructive for an Introvert to deny themselves in order to get along in an Extrovert-Dominant World. Like other minorities, Introverts can end up hating themselves and others because of the differences. If you think you are an Introvert, I recommend you research the topic and seek out other Introverts to compare notes. The burden is not entirely on Introverts to try and become “normal.” Extroverts need to recognize and respect us, and we also need to respect ourselves.

I can fake it, but I'll never believe it. At least Carl got this one spot on. Don't think I will ever be fully comfortable in social settings where I have to meet people for the first time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3: Dreams

I had a dream last night that I got into a bit of a spat with a friend. I held my tongue like i normally would, and then I let loose. Curse words were definitely involved. Even in my dream, I had a heart and apologized for my behavior to loosen the tension. From that nice little dream, I learned something: I need to be more forward in expressing my thoughts and slight aggression when I feel like I'm being wrong. Albeit, I don't always have to drop F-bombs because I feel so inclined to do so with the immediate sensation of angst, but I need to learn how to stand up for myself. I like to avoid confrontation, but sometimes at my own expense. I can get taken advantage of at times. Of course, there's a limit on how far people can go. I'm not THAT much of a pushover. In order to be confident in myself and become more sure in myself I need to learn to stand up for myself and articulately express my thoughts. There's a way this can be done without being a complete douche or sounding like a savage. It's an art form if you think about it. It is definitely something I will work on this 2012. Beware of Jean, bitch!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2: I love Mexican Food

I still have not been endowed with a grand epiphany of what I should do with this blog. BUT there is an event today I can rave about. In Anaheim, there's this mexican joint close to Disneyland called Alerto's. And holy crap, it's delicious. Their carne asada burrito is killer and it's all for $4.95. What a steal! I'm so full right now. I look very pregnant, and I still don't regret beasting the burrito. It's full of meat and guacamole. I poured on this red sauce, which I thought was delicious. Oh my Lord, I want more! I scarfed it down like I was a starving child. Oh man, this is the only reason I came down to Anaheim (aside from hanging out with my friends).
Anyway, I have nothing insightful to add.
This blog post blows even harder than yesterday's post.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1: Happy New Year

I wanted to come up with a fun project (for me) to accomplish for 365 days for the year of 2012. It is currently January 1, 2012 and this attempt at a fun project is failing. So for now, my "fun" project is to write a blog entry everyday for 365 days. I feel a little narcissistic, because, honestly, how special do I think I am that I should document my thoughts for others to access on the daily? I must think I'm pretty damn special. But then again, I'm not holding a gun to people's heads forcing them to read these blog entries, thinking I'm the business. So I guess I'm not much of a narcissist.

Today was New Year's Day. I didn't like that it fell on a Sunday. I'm hungry (even though I ate a crap load of food). Maybe I will work out tomorrow if I wake up on time. This first blog entry really blows. I hope it will get better before my 365 days are up.