The Things I Hate continued...
- I hate people who take pictures of themselves sticking out their middle finger. It's like what the hell? Are you 11 years old? Do you really think you are bad ass for taking a juvenile picture of yourself sticking up your middle finger to the camera? Rather than looking like a bad ass, you look like a dumb ass. I mostly see these pictures from idiot high schoolers who think they are so rebellious and so cool. I just want to go up to them and break their nose. It really annoys the crap out of me. It's even worst when college students and older individuals engage in this form of moronic behavior.
- I hate people who take pictures of themselves holding up a bottle of alcohol and kissing it. Bitch, we know that you're trashy and that you're an alcoholic. You don't have to announce your alcoholism to everybody in the goddamn world.
- I hate the song CALL ME MAYBE. God, I can just go on and on about how much this song makes my ears bleed. And this song is just one of the many shitastic songs that exist in our generation today. People have jumped onto this bandwagon where it's cool or something to hate on Nickleback. Nickleback may not be a great band. Whatever! But I am sick and tired of people thinking they are so cool and so musically inclined because they bash on Nickleback while they have no problems singing along to terrible pieces of crap like Call Me Maybe and songs from Katy Perry. I hate those people. I hate that song. I hate people who have to follow the crowd and jump on the bandwagon because they are unable to grow a pair.
- Finally, for today, I hate how I look physically deformed when I take pictures. It looks different from the person I see in the mirror! What does the real me look like? Do I really look like the deformed Igor I see in the picture? Or do I look like the semi-average looking person I see in the mirror? My life is a lie!!!!