And yes, those are butter pats melting on top of freshly made and perfectly flaky biscuits. Delicious biscuits makes all things better.

I am too lazy at the moment to look up the correct spelling for this little piece of heaven. Boil some russets in water until fork tender. Mash or put through a mill. We don't want any clumps of potato in there. Season. Add 1 egg and egg yolks until the potatoes have a desirable yellow color to them. Put in a piping bag with a star tip. Pipe. (I suck at piping. =() Coat with melted butter on top of the potatoes. Bake until golden brown. Sweet Jesus, I swear to you these potatoes are absolutely fantastic with a crust holding a cloud-like perfection together. Try it! it's easy!

Risottos are sexy. Enough said.
Use arborio rice like the Italians do it. Start off by sweating onions in some butter until translucent. Then add the rice, making sure each grain is coated with the fat. Add chicken stock one ladle at a time allowing the liquid to reduce between the ladling in more chicken stock. Make sure to keep stirring and most importantly be patient. Keep adding until rice is tender to taste. Then add Parmesan cheese liberally. After having a good risotto, you can die happy.
GENOISE (or Sponge Cake)

This cake is simply some flour, eggs, sugar, butter. Our cake wasn't perfect but it was still tasty. The only issue was that the eggs act as a leavener rather than using baking powder to help the cake rise. So, you need a good amount of eggs. With that, you risk having an eggy taste in the finished produce. Chef told us we could make a syrup for the cake to soak up for a moister texture. We made a kiwi syrup and whipped up some cream. slathered that on the genoise sheet cake and rolled it up to make a roll cake. After putting it in the blast chiller for a bit this was yummy to the tummy indeed.
I love food.
Good day.
OMG those macaroon-looking potatoes look scrumptious!! Jean, you're the bomb.