To all you perverts who thought this would be regarding sexually explicit acts with food you need to get your head out of the gutter in addition to getting some psychiatric help. And for those of you who are still wondering, what the heck is food porn??? Let me tell you. Food porn consists of pictures of food that make you drool and lust after the opportunity for a taste, but alas you cannot. It's a tease! But a beautiful, probably delicious tease. I made a collage of dishes that I had made in the past. I haven't taken pictures of food in general for a while now, but now I feel the need to pick up the hobby again. Actually, now that I think about it, picture taking was never really a hobby of mine. Nevertheless, I have decided that now it
should be. What do you think?

If you've created some good eats of your own share your food porn with me! Let me have a look so we can both marvel and bask each other's drool-inducing art and talent. But beware, when you are viewing food porn on an empty stomach this behavior can be hazardous, dwindling on the fringe of self-torture. I am telling you this out of experience my dears.
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