Sunday, April 22, 2012


Sometimes you just have to ask yourself this question: Am I annoying?
And you just have to muster up courage to face the truth.

Because the answer mostly likely is:
 shake head yes Pictures, Images and Photos
yes, bitch, yes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bow Tie Cat

I put my cat in a bow tie today. He looked classy and adorable. He wanted to go outside, but I wouldn't let him because I wanted him to pose for me in his bow tie. After a couple shots, I let him enjoy his freedom. For some reason blogger is being stupid and wont let the picture entirely fit on the page. Click on the picture to see the full picture. =)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Torture of Waking Up

This is exactly how I feel when I have to wake up to go to school. I'm never fully awake.

funny gifs
It's a brutal life, I tell you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days--a crappy day. It started off with my commute to school. Traffic was worse than usual. I felt cursed. The lane I was in was at a stand still. Noticing that the lane right next to me had cars that had been zooming past me for the past couple minutes, I decided to change lanes. And by some kind of sick twisted sorcery, as soon as I decide to change lanes, voila, the fast moving lane suddenly turns into a stand still. And the lane I just emerged from suddenly starts to speed up.  Don't you hate it when that happens? I surely freaking do.

I finally arrive at school. It is 8am. I feel like utter crap. I hate mornings. I hate waking up for my 8am class. I go to class. My professor is passing back quizzes, beaming about how the class average was very high: 18.5 Median: 19. Mode 19. Guess what I got? 17. I'm an idiot. That put me in the sucky mood. I then get back my grade for a presentation I did, which I thought wasn't too shabby. 45.5/50 I mean it's still an A. But damn, not the type of A I wanted. Her comments were irritating. If you know one thing about me, it's that I hate public speaking. I stutter. My heart starts racing. I cannot think on my own. Therefore my solution is to stare at the screen and read off of my presentation. I also have a hard time making eye contact. It's hard for me to do presentations. And that's exactly what she commented on and took off points. I hate that presentations are biased on those with performance and social anxiety. What a load of crap.

Oh, and remember that professor back in late January who gave me a B- for no reason? I've been emailing her since the first week of February. She's told me twice that she would give me a reason as to why I got the grade that I did "next week." Of course, that never happened. So I'd send her emails every week I do not hear from her about getting my grade. A classmate of mine was in a similar situation. The professor came up to her today and told her she had not forgotten about her, but that it was too late to change her grade...WTF! WTF! WTF! The vile witch couldn't take 2 shitty minutes of her life to tell her why she got the grade she did (probably because she just assigned random grades to students and has no idea why we got the grades we did) and waited until it was too late for us to do anything about. That is BULL! I am going to take this too the dean. A girl warned me that this professor is tight with the dean. So I have to watch how I address the situation. I am angry. She will change my grade. I refuse to have a B- in a class that was useless, a waste of my time, that I did everything right for, which cost me $600+ dollars to take. NO. She will change my damn grade. I will not rest. I'm angry now, but I will put on a sweet face as I go to the dean. I won't cause drama and I'll be understanding. But I will fight for my grade. I don't pay no $600 for a B-.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Watch This Awesomeness.

I present you a video full of awesome talent.
These boys melt my little heart.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Herb Ritts

I went to the Getty Center last week and luckily able to see the Herb Ritts exhibition. It was fantastic! Rather than try to express how I felt about various photographs, I will post pictures of my favorite photographs in the exhibition. You know what they say: pictures say a thousand words. 
Herb Ritts sure knew how to choose people with perfect bodies to photograph. 

I don't claim any of these pictures as my own, by the way.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Does It Make Me A B*TCH When...

Does it makes me a bitch when I stumble upon a creeperish, socially awkward guy's facebook page, discover he has girlfriend, and think...HOW THE (BLEEP) did this (BLEEPING) dude get a girlfriend, while I can't seem to find somebody decent for myself?????

THEN I have a realization that makes me want to cry, laugh, and die.
Am I still single because I'm worse than that creeperish, socially awkward guy? Dear God, kill me now.

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Favorite Time-Wasting Blog

Here is my favorite time-wasting blog.
You won't regret visiting it.
On a side note, I made gumbo and white chocolate chip cookies today. I'm not one to brag because my cooking is usually subpar and mediocre, but it was BOOOOMMBBBBB!!!

Anyway, here's the link to the BLOG!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I watched this video today, and my hurt is in pain. Remember years ago, when people tried to bring awareness to Darfur? Whatever happened to that "trend"? The Sudanese government is still bent on obliterating its own people and hell bent on committing genocide. Where is social justice? Where is the UN? I am so disgusted by the atrocities people can commit against other human beings.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful.

Samantha Brick has been stirring things up with her article about how women hate beautiful women. Basically, Samantha Brick thinks she is ultra attractive and talked about how her friends dropped her like flies and mistreated her because they felt threatened by her beauty. Ridiculous, right? She talks about how men notice her all the freaking time and how it's nothing out of the ordinary. She talks down on those who mistreated her and her observation of the discourse between them They hate me because I am taller, more beautiful, and thinner than they are. Makes me scoff. She even quotes a therapist, which does not relate to her much at all. The therapist talks about how she has a lot of clients who are models, and how their lives are so difficult. That I can believe. First of all, models are constantly be judged by their looks as their job, Brick is not. Models are looked upon as clothes hangers with not feelings as part of their job, Brick is not. Brick is no model. How narcissistic do you have to be to think you are equivalent to a model? And get this: She's average at best. She's not ugly. But she is not smoking hot. She has an inflated ego and maybe that is why her friends dislike her.

And the kicker: people have been outraged by her article (I wonder why). And her response is that these reactions only prove that people hate her because she is beautiful. What a joke.

Of course, I'm not going to leave you hanging without the original article. Here you are! Enjoy

Why I Hate Drake

(Disclaimer: if you like Drake and think you can't handle me hating on Drake, stop reading now. Keep in mind, these are just rants and opinions from somebody who is equivalent to a nobody so....)

Oh little Drake. I hate him. I cannot stand him or his "music."
My main reason for why I dislike him immensely is that he tries so dang hard to be hard when he is far from it. Was he from the hood? Nope, he actually grew up rich and got even richer now because idiots like his music.

He used to be part of this show called "Degrassi"

This is him now.
Wow he's so gangster! Don't make me laugh. He's far from it.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Annoying Kids

Stupid kids are annoying.
I hate them.
Stupid parents who defend their idiot kids
I hate them.

These gave me some satisfaction. So fun.
(Click to Enlarge)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I watched a movie called "Silence" with my brother yesterday that was just super intense. Above is a trailer. It is a Korean movie about corruption and abuse that occurred in a school for deaf children in a small country town. The people who abused these children were well-respected people, who served the church and took the responsibility to take care of these kids. This movie was so disturbing and really rocked me to the core. I was so angry. I think corruption is one of the worst things. Corruption allows people to hurt others without a shred of remorse, and for what? Their own fulfillment and satisfaction. It is truly disgusting.  I recommend you give it a watch. And if you're thinking, well, I don't know Korean. All is well. English subtitles are available. Search for the movie here.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Girls are Crazy

Girls are crazy, sometimes. SO...i was browsing through youtube the other day, as I do when I'm bored, and fell upon this glee clip. Glee is just terrible. Can't stand it, but I do watch some clips of it through youtube. I guess this means it is somewhat tolerable. After watching the video I saw this:
That is just overboard and way too crazy for me to even contain myself. What is wrong with this girl. And knowing there are 1,695 other individuals that "liked" this and found this caption amusing... my mind is boggled by their stupidity. I bet a majority of those likers were of the female gender. I am ashamed. First of all, Darren Criss is average at best. His only saving grace is his voice. Second of all, who cares about Darren Criss? She should be devastated that she can't have Matthew Bomer. #1.) He's gorgeous. #2.) He's gay. That makes it set in stone that he's totally unattainable. Third, if she's crying about stupid stuff like this...she needs therapy and stat. Crazy, much? Here's the clip: