Today was one of those days--a crappy day. It started off with my commute to school. Traffic was worse than usual. I felt cursed. The lane I was in was at a stand still. Noticing that the lane right next to me had cars that had been zooming past me for the past couple minutes, I decided to change lanes. And by some kind of sick twisted sorcery, as soon as I decide to change lanes, voila, the fast moving lane suddenly turns into a stand still. And the lane I just emerged from suddenly starts to speed up. Don't you hate it when that happens? I surely freaking do.
I finally arrive at school. It is 8am. I feel like utter crap. I hate mornings. I hate waking up for my 8am class. I go to class. My professor is passing back quizzes, beaming about how the class average was very high: 18.5 Median: 19. Mode 19. Guess what I got? 17. I'm an idiot. That put me in the sucky mood. I then get back my grade for a presentation I did, which I thought wasn't too shabby. 45.5/50 I mean it's still an A. But damn, not the type of A I wanted. Her comments were irritating. If you know one thing about me, it's that I hate public speaking. I stutter. My heart starts racing. I cannot think on my own. Therefore my solution is to stare at the screen and read off of my presentation. I also have a hard time making eye contact. It's hard for me to do presentations. And that's exactly what she commented on and took off points. I hate that presentations are biased on those with performance and social anxiety. What a load of crap.
Oh, and remember that professor back in late January who gave me a B- for no reason? I've been emailing her since the first week of February. She's told me twice that she would give me a reason as to why I got the grade that I did "next week." Of course, that never happened. So I'd send her emails every week I do not hear from her about getting my grade. A classmate of mine was in a similar situation. The professor came up to her today and told her she had not forgotten about her, but that it was too late to change her grade...WTF! WTF! WTF! The vile witch couldn't take 2 shitty minutes of her life to tell her why she got the grade she did (probably because she just assigned random grades to students and has no idea why we got the grades we did) and waited until it was too late for us to do anything about. That is BULL! I am going to take this too the dean. A girl warned me that this professor is tight with the dean. So I have to watch how I address the situation. I am angry. She will change my grade. I refuse to have a B- in a class that was useless, a waste of my time, that I did everything right for, which cost me $600+ dollars to take. NO. She will change my damn grade. I will not rest. I'm angry now, but I will put on a sweet face as I go to the dean. I won't cause drama and I'll be understanding. But I will fight for my grade. I don't pay no $600 for a B-.