Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What EVERYONE Should Know

I think it is far too commonly expressed by the media that sexual intercourse when two strangers or acquaintances are drunk or even when just one person is drunk that it is common, normal, and okay. Even when one of the persons involved feel regret and disgust after intercourse, it's just something she/he has to get over and it's a normal part of life. Because the truth of the matter is when alcohol is involved and an individual (or both individuals) is drunk, then he/she is not in the state to consent. Which means any sexual intercourse that occurs when someone is drunk is actually rape. People don't seem to know that. And they should, because it's not okay!

I fell upon this article. And it's titled "What EVERY GUY Must Know About Date Rape: A Date Rape Fact Sheet for Guys" by Mark Hardcastle. And this article is targeted to male teens. But I feel everybody should read this and become educated in this topic. Date rape is more common than you think. So before you go to a party looking to score, all the while knowing that drinking is involved, you'd better think twice. Here is the link to the article: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/daterape/a/daterapeguysfyi.htm

TL;DR For the lazy here are some things you should know that is highlighted in the article.
  • Not stopping when she is indicating that she wants you to stop, be it with words, actions or both, is rape. If she seems hesitant don’t try to convince her to give in, just stop!
  • Just because a girl has had sex with you in the past does not mean she has consented to having sex with you whenever you want it. Forcing the issue could result in you being charged with rape.
  • Just because a girl is your girlfriend does not mean she owes you sex on demand. Push it when she doesn’t want it and you could be charged with rape.
  • If you get a girl drunk or high and then get together with her you have committed a sexual assault. If you do this and then have sex with her it is rape.
  • If you do not get a girl drunk or high but you know she is when you have sex you have committed rape.
  • If you are unaware that a girl is drunk or high and you have sex with her you could be charged with rape.
  • Even if you too are drunk or high when you have sex with a girl who is drunk or high you could be charged with rape. It is not a sufficient defense to say, “I was wasted too!”
"So another good rule to follow, don’t have sex with anybody you are not 100% certain is able to consent. In other words, don’t have sex with somebody you don’t know very well or have not spent most of your time with immediately before your sexual encounter." -Mark Hardcastle

Another thing you may want to read is "Common Myths About Rape". Article can be found HERE
The myths from the article are as follow:
When a girl says “no,” she really means “yes.” A lot of guys think a girl just says no because she’s supposed to – and that she can’t say that she wants sex even when she does. And that “no” is just the beginning of negotiating for a “yes”. But a guy doesn’t have the right to make up a girl’s mind for her, or to pressure her to agree.
Girls who get drunk at parties or on dates deserve whatever happens to them.
Getting drunk is not a good idea if you want to keep yourself safe, but it does not make it okay for a guy to take advantage of the situation. As a matter of fact, since rape is defined as sex without consent, having sex with someone who is drunk IS RAPE. By law, if a person is intoxicated or drugged, they do not have the ability to give consent.
If a girl wears sexy clothes on a date, it means she wants to have sex.
Girls often dress to look attractive for a date, but that doesn’t mean that they want to have sex with them (or anyone else, for that matter). It is impossible to determine what a girl wants to do – sex or any other activity – based on what clothes she is wearing.
Rape is sometimes the victim’s fault – in some circumstances.
It is NEVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, the victim’s fault. Without consent, freely given, a sexual act is rape, and it is against the law.
If a woman goes somewhere alone with a man that means she wants to have sex with him.
Sometimes it’s nice for a girl to be alone with her date. It’s easier to talk, and find out what the guy’s really like. They might want to see how they get along together without their friends around. This may even mean going in to a bedroom. But that doesn’t mean the girl wants to have sex – it only means that she wants to be alone with him.
If a guy spends a lot of money on a date, the girl “owes” him something in return.
People date because they like each other. They want to spend time together. Dating isn’t like a business deal. And sex is not something you pay for. A guy and a girl may have sex after a date. But it should be something they both want to enjoy with each other. (Sex with any individual under 18 years old is considered “statutory rape”, whether consent is given or not, and is against the law.)
The majority of reported rape incidents are false accusations. What’s to stop a girl changing her mind and saying it’s rape the next day?
It is very difficult for a victim of rape to come forward and report it, so it is extremely unlikely that reports of rape are false. As a matter of fact, FBI statistics say that false reporting of rape is like any other crime, approximately 2-4% of cases.
If a girl is flirting with a guy, that means she wants to “go all the way.”
Everybody likes to flirt. Half the fun of a date is flirting. And the reason you date is to see if you two like each other. But deciding whether you’ll have sex or not requires consent by both people. Consent is defined by the law as an agreement made without pressure, manipulation or intimidation. Otherwise, it’s rape.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Couple More Things I Remembered That I Hate

I personally think this list will never end. Relish the hate. So I present you:

The Things I Hate continued...
  • I hate people who take pictures of themselves sticking out their middle finger. It's like what the hell? Are you 11 years old? Do you really think you are bad ass for taking a juvenile picture of yourself sticking up your middle finger to the camera? Rather than looking like a bad ass, you look like a dumb ass. I mostly see these pictures from idiot high schoolers who think they are so rebellious and so cool. I just want to go up to them and break their nose. It really annoys the crap out of me. It's even worst when college students and older individuals engage in this form of moronic behavior.
  • I hate people who take pictures of themselves holding up a bottle of alcohol and kissing it. Bitch, we know that you're trashy and that you're an alcoholic. You don't have to announce your alcoholism to everybody in the goddamn world. 
  • I hate the song CALL ME MAYBE. God, I can just go on and on about how much this song makes my ears bleed. And this song is just one of the many shitastic songs that exist in our generation today. People have jumped onto this bandwagon where it's cool or something to hate on Nickleback. Nickleback may not be a great band. Whatever! But I am sick and tired of people thinking they are so cool and so musically inclined because they bash on Nickleback while they have no problems singing along to terrible pieces of crap like Call Me Maybe and songs from Katy Perry. I hate those people. I hate that song. I hate people who have to follow the crowd and jump on the bandwagon because they are unable to grow a pair. 
  • Finally, for today, I hate how I look physically deformed when I take pictures. It looks different from the person I see in the mirror! What does the real me look like? Do I really look like the deformed Igor I see in the picture? Or do I look like the semi-average looking person I see in the mirror? My life is a lie!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 Thing I Hate About Everything

Today is my birthday. I hate receiving attention on my birthday. I used to crave it, now I don't like. I just want it to be a normal day. So naturally I want to write a blog post about the things I hate. Enjoy.
  1. I cannot stand people who are emotionally weak. Example Scenario: "Oh, this guy I had a crush on 10 years ago got a girlfriend. I am so sad now. We could have been something." Are you freaking kidding me? Get over it! It's not a big deal. You don't know what the future holds. You had a crush. So what? Did you really think this guy was THE ONE and the one you were going to marry? Yeah? YEAH? More like, YEAH RIGHT! Don't you lie to me. There is a reason the phrase "there are many fish in the sea" exists. And you want to know why? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE, DAMN IT. Don't waste your energy sulking over a boy you never really cared about and someone who never really cared about you in return. 
  2. I hate people who caption pictures they take with their buddy as "Friend's name and I." 100% of people on facebook make this stupid mistake. It's "______and ME/MYSELF" you idiot!
  3. I hate people who feel sorry for themselves. You don't like yourself or the way your life runs? Do something to make it better. Feeling sorry for yourself and putting yourself down will not make anything better, honey. It will only make it worse. You need to take the prerogative to initiate change in your life. Nobody else can do that for you. So stop crying and start doing something about it.
  4. I hate people who generalize. Example Scenario: "Oh my gosh, some guy of a certain race robbed the store. It's on the news. All people of this race are evil and must die." Are you serious? Go die or grow a new brain. So many people are like this. "Oh, I work with this particular race and they are douches. So I can attribute this characteristic to all people of this race. I can say that, because I know a lot of people of this particular race, you know." Go choke on your own spit, imbecile! Just because you know a handful of people of a certain race, doesn't mean you know everyone from that race and how they will act. Every race has their douches. Don't generalize. 
  5. I hate wusses. If you're to scared to stick up for what is right, then screw you. 
  6. I hate people who get really preachy when it comes to speaking their views. POLITICS, especially. I agree with you! Stop preaching to me! WTF is wrong with you!
  7. I hate stupid people.
  8. I hate people who laugh at things that aren't funny. It really annoys the living crap out of me. And so I don't appear like a douche, I chuckle along, when I don't even think it's funny at all!
  9. I hate almost every song that plays on the radio. 
  10. I usually hate people the first time I meet them. But the more I get to know them, I like them. I'm not all bad. C'mon.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Why Do I Even Care?

Sometimes I think life would be easier if I do not care. Though I don't have many positive things to say about myself, there is one thing I can definitely say is a characteristic of mine, which is that I am loyal. I am a loyal friend. However, I am getting sick of caring and being loyal. People don't seem to realize that when they make bad decisions for themselves, they not only hurt themselves, but they also burden and hurt me. People don't consider these things. I feel so let down when people fall into traps, going against everything they stood for and strongly believed in for themselves. All for what? Instant gratification. They fail to consider the repercussions, and wave off second opinion. Their minds are fixated on the cheap prize, when the grand prize is a few miles ahead. And no matter what I say or do, my words fall onto deaf ears. I might as well be mute. Here I am, stressed about problems that are not my own, while the people in question obviously don't really give a shit.

Sometimes I am so sick of people, of their selfish behavior. Sometimes I am sick of their sheer stupidity. And sometimes I hate myself for even caring. Because those sometimes would be so much easier if I didn't.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I haven't felt this way in a long time

But I am angry at life.
I feel so stressed, and I cannot comprehend why. Why now?

Friday, May 4, 2012


My cat is so freaking cute! (excuse my awkward feet. I tried to get them out of the picture frame, and failed. Now I have a cute picture ruined by awkward feet).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sometimes I have those days where I think everyone hates me and thinks I'm annoying. Everything I say sounds so annoying to me. This was one of those weeks. I feel like every joke I made this week was irritating and offensive. I don't know why I am so self-deprecating this week. But I really don't like myself. Things that I said in jest was met by the stank eye that seemed to say, "What the heck? Why? Are you stupid? My God!" Then I think to myself, shoot, I shouldn't have said that and feel dumb for having said it. Don't you hate that feeling when you feel like you should just keep your mouth shut in case you make a fool out of yourself? Yup. That's me this week. I need a drink.